Monday, December 2, 2019

what imma do tommrow

imma go and work on my project

3 favorite scenes

when the dad comes back, when the rocket doesn't come down, and when he wins the science fair

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dark Clouds

Why does it seem like when things start to turn the corner, and look like they are starting to work themselves out- something else always comes up. Something that makes you think "just when we could see the light at the end of the tunnel- a dark cloud appears?" The dark cloud can be people, finanaces, work and other stressors. This dark cloud is the devil- trying to alter our focus.

For us, as I'm sure for many, it seems like the odds are always stacked against us. Things never seem to work out the way that we want them too. Of course they don't. That is not the way it is supposed to be. This took me some time to learn. It is not what we want, but what God wants- and everything he does is to bring Glory to him. Not to us. That is the way is is supposed to be.

Ideally- Before you do anything, we are to consult God. In reality- this is very difficult. I mean, if we consulted God everytime we wanted to take a step, things would never get done. I can only speak for me, but when I am looking for direction- I consult him. When thinking of taking on a new task, or a new path in life- I consult him. He has plans for me, and for my family- he knows everything even before it happens. Nothing comes as a suprise to him. He will never steer you wrong-he has written all our paths in life. If we learn to consult him and listen to him- how can he steer us wrong?

He never promised things would be easy- but he did promise that if he brought us to it, he would bring us through it. It might not be the way we want to go- and it might take longer than we planned on, but if we learn to trust in him- we will get through. We all need to learn to lean on his love and on his promises. He will never fail us.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kara's Poem

I thank you all,
for the time I had,
and for all the love you’ve shown me
through the good and the bad.

I thank you Mom and Dad,
for the hugs and the prayers.
And to my wonderful family,
for always being there.

I am running free now
where Angels dance on high
I wish you could see this place,
I am in Heaven, up in the sky.

I saw My God today,
as Jesus brought me home.
He floated on a white cloud,
as he sat atop his throne.

He held me tight
and kissed my face-
then whispered in my ear,
“Welcome to my place.”

Then He rubbed my back,
Mommy and Daddy did the same thing,
At that moment, I heard a jubilant noise-
I now have my Angel wings.

I am at peace now, up in Heaven
but I am always with you all-
I will be with you forever,
and will wipe your tears as they fall.

All I can offer are my prayers

My heart is breaking for a friend who recently lost her child. I have never experienced a loss of a child so I feel like sometimes- my comforting words mean little as I am not able to really relate. My heart breaks though. I can not even begin to imagine the pain that her and her family are going through now. All I can offer are my prayers.

Sometimes Prayer is all you can do for someone so far away or for someone you don't really know. Prayer is one of the most powerful and moving things you can do for a person who is hurting. No matter what the hurt is.

Thoughts and Prayers are with the Palmer Family. RIP Kara Faith Palmer.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"The Lord can not bless you, until you praise him."

"The Lord can not bless you, until you praise him."
This quote was once told to me by my sister-in-law, who I am blessed to say is more to me than just a sister-in-law, but one of my very best friends.
We were at a time in our lives- where we literaly did not have one extra penny to our name. In between jobs, bills mounting up- fighting constantly about finances with a small baby at home. Things were looking glum. That was until one day- when I was complaining to my sister in law on the phone and she spoke those simple words to me. I am almost certain that she does not remember this coversation, but it has forever impacted my life.
She could never have been more right!!
We were not going to church- we were not praying, we were not doing anything! NOTHING- yet I wondered why the road was so hard. DUH!!!
Don't get me wrong- just because we have turned to a new chapter in our lives- one that includes God on the forefront- things are still hard.... that is just the way it is. He suffered too...... a great loss.
I hold fast to his promise- this gets me though.
God never promised
a life without pain,
Laughter without tears
or sun without rain.
But he did promise
His strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears
and a light for the way.
And for all who believe
in His Heaven above,
He rewards their faith,
with an everlasting love.